About Me

Hello there, my name is Marcus Grant, also known as Mark Haus in music circles (more on that later). I am an Electrical Engineer, iOS Developer, Data Scientist, Small Business Developer, Tinkerer and an Amateur Musician of House and Techno Music. Yes – at one point of time or another I have work professionally in all these fields, well tinkering is really just a hobby but I think it ties in nicely with all my previous professions and is probably the driving force behind all of them. I love taking things apart, I love learning about things, I love bending things to my will and just can’t seem to stop creating wherever I go. Currently I’m 27 (as of July 1st, 2015) and as J.R.R. Tolkien once said, “Not all that wander are lost,” can pretty well describe my adult life so far, I haven’t truly found my niche yet, and maybe I am meant to inhabit many of them at once or at different times together, but these days what excites me most is developing software. In fact I’d say one of my raison d’être is improving how humanity interacts with technology; and it is my philosophy that when you don’t have to think about how you perform a task on a device or system, then the designer has approached perfection. I am also becoming more and more interested in figuring out new and novel ways to add intelligence to our software systems so that they perform more and more of the mindless tasks in our lives.

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